Police Chief Sanders (Jon Hamm) investigates the bizarre murders of two women with the same name and unravels a web of small-town lies. He meets and quickly falls for Rita (Tina Fey), a nosy neighbor who is eager to help solve the mystery.
Genre: Comedy | Crime | Thriller
IMDB Rating Live: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt14181816/
IMDB Rating: 7.1/10 From 17 Users
Resolution; 1920×802
Directed by: John Slattery
Starring: Nick Mohammed , Jon Hamm , Tina Fey
Release Name: maggiemoores20231080pwebrip1400mbdd51x264-galaxyrg
Release Date; June 15, 2023 (Israel)
Audio: English | AAC | 160 kb/s
Runtime: 1 h 39 min
Subtitles: English